Friday, November 12, 2010

Selective Mutism-Stages of Social Communication Scale


Stage 0 - NO responding, NO initiating

Child stands motionless(stiff body language), expressionless, averts eye gaze, appears frozen 'MUTE'

Seemingly ignores person while interacting or speaking to other(s) MUTE toward others

For communication to occur, Social Engagement must occur


(Nonverbal and/or Verbal)

To advance from one stage of communication to the next, increasing social comfort needs to occur.

STAGE 1 - Non verbal communication NV

1A Responding - pointing, nodding, writing, sign language, gesturing, use of objects (eg whistles, bellws, non voice-augmentative device (e.g. communication boards/cards, symbols, photos)

1B Initiating - getting someone's attention via pointing, gesturing, writing, use of objects to get attention (e.g. whistles, bells, non-voice augmentative device (e.g. communication boards/cards, symbold, photos)

STAGE 2 - Transition into Verbal Communication TV

2A Responding - via any sounds )e.g. grunts, animal sounds, letter sounds, moans etc.) Verbal intermediary or Whisper Buddy; Augmentative Device with sound (e.g. simple message switch, multiple voice message device, tape recorder, video etc)

2B Initiating - Getting someone's attention via any sounds (e.g. grunts, animal sounds, letter sounds, moans, etc.): Verbal INtermediary or Whisper Buddy; Augmentative Device with sound. (e.g. simple message switch, multiple message device, tape recorder, video etc)

STAGE 3 - Verbal Communication

3A Responding - Approximate speech/direct speech (e.g. altered or made up baby language, reading/rehearsing script, soft whispering, speaking)

3B Initiating - Approximate speech/direct speech (e.g. altered or made up baby language, reading/rehearsing script, soft whispering, speaking)

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